We are at the midway point of our fiscal year and quickly nearing the end of 2020 and it’s now possible to start having some perspective on the challenges that we have faced this year and what it means for ULI South Carolina. In general, we have been getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Beginning in March with the initial wave of cancellations and shutdowns due to Coronavirus, through the social unrest after the killing of George Floyd, to a very active hurricane season (and devastating fires for our western neighbors), and a highly polarized election season.
From an organizational standpoint, we have been keeping our eyes on the horizon—making sure to stay focused on where we need to go as ULI South Carolina. We have accepted the uncomfortable challenges that 2020 has presented and made adjustments and decisions thoughtfully and quickly. As we look back on the past nine months, it is now apparent how much we have adapted to the situation. More importantly, we have witnessed a tremendously innovative and thoughtful period in ULI South Carolina’s history:
- Shift to Virtual: ULI SC made a full shift to virtual meetings using existing meeting platforms. We will see even better virtual platforms for ULI in 2021 that will enhance the user experience. While we can’t wait to get back to in-person programs, this virtual tool will allow us to easily stay connected across the state in the future and will provide more versatility.
- Focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity: Through its 2021/2022 strategic plan, ULI SC has made a major commitment to diversity, equity and inclusivity. Within the past six months, we convened an inaugural advisory board with the specific goal of identifying and fixing our shortcomings as it comes to DEI. Further, an internal DEI working group has been formed to work on programming, membership and recruitment.
- Resilience: A small group of dedicated members organized and launched a 5-meeting resilience summit titled Living on the Edge. The program focused on adapting to climate change and related impacts to our coast. This highly successful program has been recognized by ULI as a model for future programming.
- Innovative Programs: Our regional vice chairs and committees have been creating new programs and honing old programs. The virtual crane watch tours are probably the best example of this with panelists providing project updates and tours over the backdrop of drone footage. The virtual crane tour was launched in Greenville and Charleston followed suit in December.
- Small Group Discussions: ULI is a member driven organization with member-driven content. In the coastal region, small-scale discussion groups of seven to ten members have been formed around interest topics. These are like mini product councils. The first discussion group formed around housing and affordable housing, with other topics pending based on interest.
- Regional Cooperation: We have increased our cooperation and coordination with other district councils. We continue to team up with Raleigh and Charlotte for Carolinas-based programming. Additionally, we have had virtual meetings with district councils from further away. In November, our management committee was joined by the chair and executive director from Philadelphia to hear about their DEI efforts.
We have a lot of goals yet to accomplish, but as we take a moment to look back on 2020, we have much to be proud. I wish you a happy and safe holiday season. Keep your eyes on the horizon and see you in 2021!
Jeff Baxter
2021 ULI SC District Council Chair