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ULI South Carolina Graduates Inaugural REDI Cohort
ULI SC Celebrated the Graduation of Inaugural REDI Cohort in Greenville on March 28.
Happy New Year ULI South Carolina members and friends!
It is hard to believe we are already three weeks into a new year. ULI South Carolina accomplished a lot in 2023 (see highlights below) and will continue to flourish in 2024 and beyond through your membership, your financial support and the truly dedicated service of our leaders. Please take a moment to peruse the list of our leaders and sponsors and, when you see them, give them a big thanks for all that they do.
There is much to look forward to in the coming months. The 11th Annual ULI Carolinas Meeting will convene in Charlotte in February, and we are excited to announce the ULI Southeast Coastal Development Forum ULI South Carolina is co-hosting with ULI North Florida and ULI Atlanta in May. Locally, the second REDI cohort kicks off in Greenville this week, with planning for REDI 2025 in Charleston in the works. Add to that the myriad of events happening around the state – from The State of The Upstate and Coastal Development 101 series, a new Midlands Development 101 series with University of South Carolina, WLI and Young Leaders events, we hope you will find an opportunity to be engaged and join us in living the ULI mission even more fully in 2024.
2023 Highlights
As always, thank you for your time and involvement in ULI, and we hope to see you at one of our upcoming events around the state.
Robin Hargett
Executive Director
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